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Location: Thane, Maharastra, India


Migraine or Hemi crania

This is a form of recurrent paroxysmal headache often confined to one side of the head. Migraine incidence is highest among both sexes between the age of 25 and 55, the very years that most people are at their economic peak and busiest with the important work of raising a family. Migraine headaches are under diagnosed and under treated, with the result that many sufferers are needlessly struggling with a condition that erodes the quality of their personal and professional lives.

Precipitating factors:

The exact cause of migraine is unknown. There are some precipitating factors like anxiety, overwork, emotional upsets, menopause, hypertension, cerebral tumors, premenstrual tension, head injury, spondylosis, noise, fumes, depression, fasting state, some foods e.g. orange or chocolate etc may precipitate an attack.

Women and Migraine:

Women of childbearing age are up to three times as likely to suffer from migraines as men of the same age are. This clearly shows that changes in hormone levels during the menstrual and other hormonal cycles are a major triggering factor of migraines among women. Some 14 % of women who suffer from migraines only experience them during or around menstruation, underlying the role played by oestrogen and progesterone withdrawal during the menstrual cycle in migraines among female patients.
Just about every event in a woman’s reproductive development has the potential to change the frequency, severity, or duration of migraine headaches including menarche, pregnancy, and menopause.

Clinical Symptoms:

As if the pain of the migraine weren’t debilitating enough, migraines are often associated with a broad set of physical & neurological disorders – including complaints such as asthma, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety and epilepsy. The symptoms of migraines are:

1. Prodromal symptoms: Weakness, lassitude, depression, etc may be complained of for few days.

2. Aura: The actual attack starts usually after waking from sleep. At first this aura may take the form of some visual disturbances e.g. dazzles, colored lights, ocular pain, lacrimation and photophobia. Sometimes tingling and numbness in the face and upper extremities may be seen. This state of aura lasts for about 15 minutes to half an hour.

3. Headache: After the aura passes off, headache starts. This may be uni or bilateral or may even be generalized. Often there may be localized spots on the head from where it starts. This pain is usually very severe (splitting headache) gradually increasing in intensity having a throbbing or spreading character. The side which is affected is constant in each attack. At the height of headache there may be vomiting, photophobia, sweating, pallor and exhaustion. Patient prefers to lie in a dark room and refuses all foods. The headache may last for 12-14 hours usually, but shorter and longer attacks may also occur.

4. After attack is over sometimes there may be increased urine flow. At times patient becomes very sleepy.


Effective treatment should focus on finding the underlying causes of the patients’ pain and providing permanent treatment that prevents progressive migraines and avoids the overuse of medication.

1. General Treatment: Patient should regulate their life so as to avoid both physical and mental fatigue. Precipitating factors as mentioned before should be corrected or avoided whichever is possible. Reassurance is very valuable.

2. Acute Attack: This may be treated with painkillers like aspirin, paracetamol or codeine tablets if the attack is mild. Ergotamine tartrate is the most useful medicine and can be given orally, parenterally or even as suppository or by aerosol.

3. Prevention of attack: Sedative like barbiturates, tranquillizers like chlordiazepoxide, antihistamines e.g. prochlorperazine etc may be used. The most effective drug is prophylactic use of dimethysergide given in a dose of 1 mgm - 3mgm thrice daily.

4. Hormone therapy may provide relief to women whose migraine attacks are linked to their menstrual cycles.

Homeopathic Treatment:

Allium cepa:
It is good remedy for migraines with neuralgic pains in head and other parts of body; shooting pain like a fine, long thread; Coryza (cold) associated with tearing, bursting and throbbing headache; Headache ceases during menses and returns soon when flow disappears.

Anacardium ori: Good remedy for migraine; used for gastric and nervous headaches; dull pressure over vertex, as from a plug. Headache worse by mental exertion, motion, work and long after eating and relived after eating; headache aggravates on lying down and at night; associated symptoms are impaired memory, aversion to work, etc.

Arsenic Alb: Migraines with periodic headaches which is better by cold application. Throbbing, burning, congestive headache with anxiety and restlessness; Chronic headaches which aggravates from light.

Belladonna: Violent, throbbing, congestive headache which comes suddenly and goes suddenly; head hot, face flushed, throbbing of carotids; used mainly in right sided headache; Migraines starts in the back of the skull or upper neck and spread to the forehead and temple; headache from draft of air, heat of sun, from having the hair cut, suppressed catarrhal flow; headache associated with inflammatory conditions.

Iris versicolor: Intense migraines caused due to overeating and due to indigestion and acidity; blurry vision and pain extends to the face and teeth; pain with vomiting and a burning feeling in the throat and stomach; Symptoms become worse from rest and better from motion.

Lac Defloratum: Migraine with throbbing headache accompanied by constipation.

Bryonia: Congestive or neuralgic headache; mainly frontal or occipital; headache due to exposure to heat of sun or being overheated or due to constipation; headache worse from slightest jar or motion (even movements of eyelids, talking, even effort of thinking), in the morning, when stooping and better from pressure, lying down quietly and from hot fomentation, etc.

Gelsimium: Congestive type of headache; violent pain in the occipital region; pain begins in the nape of neck and passing over the vertex, settles over the eyes; headache preceded by dimness of vision or even blindness; headache with vertigo, patient seems intoxicated, with closed eyes and becomes motionless; neuralgic headache with nausea and vomiting; headache is relieved by urination, hot application and it aggravates from heat of sun and motion.

Natrum mur: Headaches in girls and women who are anaemic, chlorotic; headache due to emotional causes such as grief; headache begins with sunrise and goes off with sunset; throbbing headache from eye strain associated with nausea and vomiting; headache better by perspiration, in open air and after sleep, worse 10-11 am, from noise, music, motion, light and from warm room; periodical headaches; headache from bad effects of malaria, emotional excitement, mental exertion, eye strain and head injuries, etc.

Other medicines used in headaches & migraines are Ammon carb, Aconite, Arnica, Cedron, Cimicifuga, Cyclamen, Chionanthus, Coffea, Damiana, Glonoine, Helleborus, Ignatia, Kreosotum, Kali bich, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Natrum mur, Nux vom, Menispermum, Opium, Picric acid, Pulsatilla, Ruta G, Sangunaria, Sulphur, Scutellaria, Silicea, Spigelia, Sepia, Tarentula, Tobaccum, etc,


Are you getting enough sleep?

Sleep can be defined as a state of consciousness that differs from alert wakefulness by a loss of critical reactivity to events in the environment with a profound alteration in the function of the brain. Sleep is not a uniform phenomenon and it varies greatly in nature and depth from time to time in the same person and between individuals as well. During sleep, organs like kidney, heart, lung, gastrointestinal tract, etc remains active. Similarly brain also remains active during sleep and it undergoes an active reorganization.

Sleep requirement-

Varies inversely with age.

New born baby- 16-18 hours;
Children- 10-12 hours;
Adults- 6-8 hours;
Old age- 5 hours.

Why do we need to sleep?

There are many theories about this, but two prevail. One is that we use sleep for conservation of energy. When we sleep, everything is switched down, and this allows us to balance the day’s expenditure of energy. The second theory is one of restoration: repair and synthesis of body structures and particularly the brain.

Physiological changes during sleep:

During sleep somatic activity is greatly decreased. Threshold of many reflexes is elevated and responsiveness is also lessened. Man cannot remember the events occurring during sleep. Basal metabolic rate being least, all tissues and organs perform the least work. Changes are given below:

1. Circulatory system. Pulse rate, cardiac output, vasomotor tone, and blood pressure reduced.

2. Respiratory system. Tidal volume, rate of respiration and pulmonary ventilation lowered.
3. Basal metabolic rate. Reduced by 10-15 %.

4. Urine. Volume less, reaction variable, specific gravity and phosphates are raised.

5. Secretions. Salivary and lachrymal secretion reduced; Gastric secretion unaltered or rose; Sweat- raised.

6. Muscles. Relaxed.

7. Eyes. Eyeballs rolls up and out due to flaccid external ocular muscles; eyelids come closer, due to dropping of upper eyelids; pupils- contracted.

8. Blood. Volume increased (plasma diluted).

9. Nervous system. Deep reflexes reduced; vasomotor reflexes more brisk.

10. Electroencephalographic changes during sleep. The EEG pattern changes at different stages from normal waking state to sleep depending upon the degree of sleep. According to the EEG pattern the sleep is divided into: Light sleep, which is often associated with rapid wandering eye movement (paradoxical sleep), and is called rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep or rhombencephalic sleep) and the other, is deep sleep. During REM sleep, high incidence of penile erection and grinding of teeth (bruxism) occur in the subjects. On the other hand, non rapid eye movement (NREM sleep or slow wave sleep) is generally associated with spindle or synchronized slow wave.

Effect of prolonged sleeplessness in man:

Observed on subjects kept awake for 60-114 hours. Objective changes are few, viz. Babinski- extensor. Equilibrium disturbed Neuromuscular- fatigue etc.Subjective symptoms are chief, viz. (a). Mental concentration difficult and inaccurate. (b). Threshold for pain lowered. If very much prolonged may cause collapse and death. Cortical nerve cells undergo shrinkage and chromatolysis. The lethal period of sleeplessness in man is not known. In dogs it is about 14 days.


Abnormal wakefulness or inability to sleep is called insomnia. Insomnia is a condition wherein people have difficulty in sleeping, leading to fatigue, loss of concentration and restlessness. Lack of sleep causes an inability to complete daily tasks and solve problems, as well as diminished mood and general well-being. There can be serious consequences to your health. A study over 10 years involving more than 71,000 middle aged women showed that those who slept for less than seven hours a night had a marked increase in risk of a heart attack. The same applies to men. A similar , although much smaller study showed that men who slept five hours or less each working day had twice the heart attack risk of men who were sleeping more.
Your looks will also suffer from a series of late nights: Dark circles appear under the eyes, the skin becomes pasty and the eyes become bleary and bloodshot. In short, without the requisite number of hours of shut eyes, you will be ugly, grumpy and unpleasant to be around.


It can be classified into 3 types:

1. Transient (short term-single night to few nights).
2. Intermittent (on and off).
3. Chronic (constant, long standing).

What’s interrupting your sleep?

True insomnia usually includes time spend tossing and turning even when you’re really trying to get enough rest. Around one third of us will be affected by this at some point. Some things that might disrupt your nights include caffeine, alcohol (it may make you doze for a while, but it can interfere with your nights rest), smoking, heavy meals close to bedtime, stress, depression, anxiety, age or even heartburn (more prominent in pregnant women). Chronic disorders like diabetes, kidney disease and arthritis, and use of strong medication are other factors.

Homeopathic Treatment:

Homeopathic medicines works wonderfully for insomnia without any risk of addiction and without causing any side effects.

1. Aconite. Sleeplessness associated with restlessness, anxiety and fear.

2. Arsenic alb. This works well on persons who are anxious and mentally restless. Can’t remain in one position, changes position frequently in bed to get asleep, but fails.

3. Arnica. Insomnia due to exhaustion; everything on which person lies seems too hard.

4. Belladonna. Sleepy but cannot sleep due to restlessness and horrible dreams. Fear of imaginary things like ghosts, wild animals, etc.

5. Coffea cruda. Sleeplessness due to mental excitement and nervous stimulation. Insomnia due to grief, bad news or from overexcitement.

6. Ignatia. Transient insomnia caused by an emotional upset (grief or loss, a disappointment in love, anger, fright, worry, coffee, tobacco, a shock, or even an argument).

7. Nat mur. Sleepy in the forenoon. Sleeplessness due to grief. Dreams of robbers and feels so terrified about it that they do not feel satisfied till a through search is made. Chronic insomnia, with persistent thought, dwells upon past unpleasant events and always wants to be alone.

8. Kali phos. Insomnia from nervous exhaustion caused by overwork or mental strain, or following an exhausting illness.

9. Nux vom. Insomnia which is caused due to over indulgence of stimulants, food and drinks. It is also useful in ailments caused due to loss of sleep.

10. Uranium nit. Insomnia in diabetics.

11. Mag mur. Sleeplessness during menses.

12. Other medicines are Lachesis, Arg Nit, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Hyosyamus, Opium, Passiflora, Pulsatilla, Rauwolfia, Staphysagria, sulphur, Rhus Tox, etc.


Food & Peptic Ulcers

A peptic ulcer is an area of damage to the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum (the part of the digestive tract that immediately follows the stomach). Peptic ulcers can cause symptoms of indigestion, including pain, which may be severe. They can be treated with medicines but if left untreated can leads to serious complications.
An ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric or stomach ulcer. In the duodenum it is called a duodenal ulcer. Peptic ulcers are usually raw patches that are 1-2 cm in diameter. They may be acute or chronic. In case of acute ulcers, several ulcers may be present at a time, and these may or may not produce any symptoms. They often heal with proper treatment without any long term consequences. Chronic ulcers are deeper, usually occur individually and cause symptoms. They leave a scar when they heal.

Causes of Peptic Ulcer:
The contents of stomach are acidic. The acid helps to protect the body from infection and helps break down the food that is eaten. The lining of the stomach and duodenum is covered in mucus, which protect it from acid. An ulcer can result when the stomach produces excess acid or there is insufficient mucus to protect the lining from damage.

There are several factors that increase a person risk of getting a peptic ulcer:

1). Infection with bacteria called helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) –this is almost always present in people with ulcers, although it is also found in the stomachs of many people without ulcers or indigestion symptoms.
2). regularly taking certain medicines.
3). Smoking.
4). Drinking alcohol in excess.
5). Stress.
6). Excessive intake of irritants such as spices and caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks, and certain caffeine containing energy drinks).
7). Heredity

Occasionally, a gastric ulcer may develop within a cancer in the lining of the stomach.

Some people with peptic ulcers have no symptoms. However, many people have abdominal pain, usually just below the chest bone. A gastric ulcer typically causes a sharp pain in the stomach soon after eating, whereas the pain of the duodenal ulcer is typically relieved by eating, or by drinking milk.

Other symptoms may include:
1). Belching.
2). General discomfort in the stomach,
3). Loss of appetite or rarely increased appetite,
4). Nausea,
5). Vomiting,
6). Loss of weight.
7). Heartburn.
8). Gastritis.
9). Gastro-esophageal reflux.

Sometimes a peptic ulcer can leads to more serious problems, including perforation (a hole in the wall) of the stomach or duodenum. This causes severe pain and needs emergency treatment. However, the most common complication is bleeding from the ulcer. Symptom includes:
1. Vomiting red blood or vomit containing dark brown bits of older blood (with an appearance of coffee grounds).
2. Blood (usually dark red) in the stool.
3. Black, tarry stool.
A slowly bleeding ulcer can also cause anemia, where there are not enough red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body.
Scars left by healed ulcers something cause narrowing (stenosis) in the duodenum. This can lead to severe vomiting and may need surgery.


•Endoscopy is the preferred method.
•Double contrast barium meal examination may be done.

Precautions: A number of lifestyle changes may reduce the symptoms of a peptic ulcer, and speed up healing:

1. Avoid food and drink that seems to cause more severe symptoms such as spicy foods, fatty foods, coffee, and possibly alcohol.
2. Stop smoking.
3. Lose excess weight if overweight.
4. Reduction of stress by exercise, relaxing exercises, psychotherapy, anti-stress medication, hypnotism, yoga or any other method that relieves stress and anxiety.
5. Avoidance of individual foods that may cause discomfort to specific patients- this is often an individual reaction so that some patients need to cut out white bread, while others need to cut out white bread, while others need to completely stay away from brown bread.

Treatment: In addition to recommending lifestyle changes, if applicable, your doctor may prescribe a course of tablets to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach such as:

1. Antacids
2. Proton-pump inhibitors (medication that reduce the amount of acid the stomach produces).
3. Antibiotics to eradicate bacterial infection.
4. Surgery is rarely indicated for ulcers resistant to therapy or where there are frequent relapses.

Homeopathic treatment: For peptic ulcer there are numerous medicines from which some are given below:

Graphites: Peptic ulcers with intolerance of food; nausea and vomiting after each meal, great flatulence better from belching; aversion to meat, cooked food, fish, salt and sweets; burning, constrictive and cramping pain in stomach; pain becomes worse from cold drinks and better by eating and warm milk; periodic stomach pain with vomiting of food soon after eating, etc.

Pulsatilla: Symptoms of ulcer aggravates from eating rich food, cake, pastry especially after pork or sausage, fruits, cold food or drinks and ice cream; aversion to fatty food, butter, warm food, and drinks; water brash, with bitter taste in the mouth; abdomen painfully distended with loud rumbling; pain in stomach an hour after eating, etc.

Phosphorus: Pain in stomach relieved by cold food and icy cold drinks; tenderness in the region of stomach or duodenum; hunger soon after eating; longs for cold food and drinks and juicy refreshing things; nausea and vomiting after warm food and drinks; in later stages there is haematemesis, vomiting of blood, bile, and mucus with coffee ground substances, etc.

Petroleum: Gnawing, pressing pain in stomach, when ever the stomach is empty; relieved by constant eating; heart burn and sour eructation; strong aversion to fatty food and meat, worse from eating cabbage, ravengeous hunger, must rise at night and eat; nausea with accumulation of water in mouth, etc.

Nux vomica: Sour or bitter taste in the morning or aversion to food; nausea and sour or bitter vomiting, fullness after eating a small amount of food or pressure as of a stone in the stomach; sensitiveness of stomach worse from the least pressure of clothing; colic with ineffectual urge for stool, temporarily better after stool. It is also used in liver complains and jaundice with nausea, vomiting, and ineffectual urge for stool, etc.

Merc sol: Ulcers bleed easily; aversion to meat, wine, greasy food, coffee, coffee and butter; eructation, regurgitations, heartburn, nausea and vomiting; problem becomes worse after milk and sweet; salivation increased, tongue shows imprints of teeth, painful with ulcers in mouth along with peptic ulcers; Stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting feeling; great tenesmus during and after stool, etc.

Some Other Medicines for peptic ulcers are - Belladonna, Borax, Colocynth, Bryonia, Dulcamara, Symphytum, Aethusa, Sulphur, Kali Bich, Lycopodium, Carbo Veg, Anti crud, Calc carb, Nat mur, Nat phos, China, Silicea, Lachesis, Acidum nit., Calendula, Hamamelis, argentum-nit, arsenic-alb, atropine, geranium, hydrastis, kali-bichrom, merc-cor, ornithogalum, uranium-nit, terebintha, medorrhinum, ipecac, etc


Obesity & Homeopathy

This is a condition of excessive accumulation of fat in fat depots. This is an important nutritional disorder occurs mainly in the rich communities of the world.

Causes of Obesity:

Age: Present in all age group but more common in middle aged persons.

Sex: According to the Government White Paper on public health, 23% of men and 25.4% of women are obese.

Eating habits: The main causes of obesity are: overeating and/or eating the wrong kinds of food.

Hereditary Factor: Family history for obesity may be positive in majority of cases.

Physical activity: It is very common in persons with sedentary habit than in persons with active habits.

Psychological factor: As a result of emotional instability habit of overeating may develop and it leads to obesity.

Economic background: In developing countries it is common amongst the rich who consumes lots of protein, fat and carbohydrate in their diet and having sedentary habits due to luxurious life whereas in fully developed countries it is more common in lower-socioeconomic groups.

Endocrinal causes: In cases of hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, Adiposogenital dystrophy etc, there may be obesity.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy a woman may develop adiposity increasing the body weight to about 4-5 kg and this may goes on increasing in subsequent pregnancy due to lack of proper knowledge and carelessness.

The liver is very important for processing nutrients consumed in the diet and sending them on to the rest of the body. Abnormal processing of glucose or lipids in the liver contributes to problems of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, and fatty liver disease often is seen in people who are obese or suffer from insulin resistance. The liver is also thought to play a key role in controlling the risk of heart disease.

Genetic factors: In prader-willi syndrome, Laurence-Moon-Biedi syndrome obesity develops.
Hypothalamic syndrome: Lesions in the hypothalamus may give rise to polyphagia and subsequent obesity.

Criteria for obesity:
1. Body weight more than 20% above the ideal body weight.
2. Ponderal index (ponderal index= height in inches divide by cube root of weight in lb) less than 12.
3. A fatfold thickness greater than 2.5 cm at the tip of scapula in males or mid triceps region in females.

Clinical Symptoms:

The body weight progressively increases and gradually the contour and configuration of the body is altered. Fat is uniformly distributed all throughout the body but in some cases like Cushing’s syndrome it may be distributed in the head, neck, trunk and shoulder and spare the legs (buffalo type of distribution).

As the body becomes heavier the movements are slow and due to low vital capacity slightest exertion may give rise to dyspnoea.

Sometimes the ventilation may be very much reduced due to high position of the diaphragm. This is called obesity- hypoventilation syndrome or characterized by periodic breathing, hypoxia, cyanosis, respiratory acidosis, leading to pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement of right ventricles) and failure.

As fat has some insulating effect there may be defective heat loss and this will add to much discomfort during summer months.

There may be menstrual disturbances in females.

Patient will also have difficulty in sitting in squatting position, getting up or sitting in a chair or a vehicle.

Gradually some patients may be completely crippled and leads a vegetative existence and cannot do any thing without the assistance of somebody.


1. Mechanical: Due to heavy weight of the body, weight bearing joints, e.g. knee, ankle, hip and lumber spine will develop osteoarthritic changes. There may be abdominal hernia, hiatus hernia, varicose veins, flat feet etc.

2. Infection: Due to exaggeration of skin creases cleanliness cannot be maintained and so fungal or other infections in these sites are very common.

3. Cardiovascular: Hypertension and atherosclerosis may develop. There may be angina pectoris, cardiac failure in middle aged individuals.

4. Metabolic: Diabetes, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, cholesterol stones, gout etc may occur.

5. Psychic complications: Different psychosomatic problems may develop in these individuals.

6. There may be hazards during pregnancy and surgical procedures.

7. There may be unexplained increase in certain type of cancers particularly of gall bladder, colon, endometrium and breast.

Life expectancy:

This is considerably lower in obese patients in comparison to a non obese person of the same age group.


A. Diet control: A balanced diet suitable for the expected weight of the patient should be given. This reducing diet will aim at negative balance of some of the calories. Diet should contain adequate protein but less fat and carbohydrates should be reduced. A 1000 Kcal diet may be given containing 100gms of carbohydrates, 50gms of proteins, and 40gms of fat. Alcohol should be avoided. Minerals, vitamins, water and salt should not be restricted.

B. Exercise: Physical exercise must be encouraged and its value should not be underestimated.

C. Drugs: Appetite suppressants are mainly used. To speed up the metabolism sometimes thyroid hormones may be used.

D. Dieting or fasting may be helpful sometimes.

E. Surgery: For localized adiposity, surgery may be helpful. Surgical procedures were grouped into gastric banding, gastric bypass, gastroplasty, biliopancreatic diversion or duodenal switch, and other procedures.

• Roux-en Y procedure—reduces the size of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness (satiety); vomiting is the most common side effect

• Liposuction—removes fat deposits from specific body areas; weight gain is more likely in other areas of the body after the procedure

F. Yoga: There are some asana which are very effective in weight reduction like sukhasana, stretching of shoulders, surya namaskar, ardha matsyendrasana, tadasana, Fish Pose (Matsyasana), savasana, kapalabhati, anuloma viloma, etc.

Homeopathic Treatment:

Calcarea carb
It is used in person with excessive perspiration and who becomes hungry soon after eating; overeating and inactive digestive system; indigestion with craving for indigestible things. Excessive perspiration with little exertion, mainly on the upper part of the body.

Cinchona off
It is used in obesity to reduce ravenous appetite; indigestion after taking raw fruits and vegetables.It is indicated in persons who are though overweight but they are very weak internally.

Obesity which arises due to disturbed liver and digestive functions; to decrease the craving for sweets; loss of appetite;Indigestion with flatulence in the lower abdomen; very hungry but feels full after a few bites.

Obesity arises due to thyroid dysfunction; This remedy is a powerful diuretic and is very useful in myxodema and various types of edema.

Calotropis Gigantea
This medicine is used to reduce the fat without decreasing the weight i.e. flesh will be decreased, the muscles will become harder and firmer. Heat in stomach is a good guiding symptom.

Antim Crude
This medicine is used in persons having the tendency to become fat mainly due to overeating and indigestion with white coated tongue.

Phytolacca berry
This medicine is commonly used as a patent medicine for weight reduction.

Fucus vesiculosus
It is given after giving Calcarea Carbonica. It should be given in mother tincture. It is very effective in cases of indigestion, obstinate constipation and flatulence. It is very effective in people with enlarged thyroid glands.

Obesity in fair, fatty & flabby females with delayed menstruation. It is indicated in persons who are generally constipated and who have skin trouble.

Esculentine & Phytoline
These are two different remedies used for reduction of fat. These medicines are given in tincture form.

Other homeopathic medicines are amm-carb, amm-mur, iodium, argentum nit, coffea cruda, capsicum, ferrum phos, ignatia, kali carb,kali bi chromicum, staphysagria,aurum met, Carlsbad, nat mur, sulphur,ferrum met, thuja occ, etc that can prove useful in a case of obesity


Modes of Drug Administration

In general there are various methods of introducing drugs into the body.
The Principal methods are:

1). Oral Method- By mouth, which may be

(a). Aqueous solution,
(b). Syrups,
(c). Emulsions,
(d). Mixtures,
(e). Powders,
(f). Capsules,
(h). Pills, etc.

2). Parenteral- This includes all type of injections:

(a). Subcutaneous,
(b). Intramuscular,
(c). Intravenous,
(d). Bone marrow injection,
(e). Intraperitonial, etc.

3). Mucosal absorption method:

(a). Rectal absorption- generally in the form of suppository,
(b). Nasal septum- By inhalation or by putting medicines in the nasal septum.

4). Skin absorption method- It is done in the form of liniments, lotion, ointments.

Principles for Homeopathic Drug Administration:-

As Homeopathy bears a specialty in the field of medicine, its mode of administration also bears a specialty.

1. Generally medicines are given by oral or olfaction method.

2. Single medicines should be given at a time.

3. It is wrong to administer complex mixtures (patent), when single simple medicine is sufficient.

4. Homeopathy remedies works better in smaller doses, “The minutest yet powerful dose”.

5. The best selected medicines be repeated at suitable intervals, do not repeat so long the signs of improvements continue.

6. Medicines should not be administrated during the aggravated condition of disease (especially in chronic diseases). There are specific instructions for application of a remedy in cases of intermittent fever, best time is- when the temperature is coming down, in cases of menstrual difficulties- the best time is the post menstrual period.

7. The diet and regimen which can have any medicinal effect should be avoided, in order that the action of small dose of medicine given to the patient may not be disturbed by any irritant.

8. Nothing should be taken ½ hour at least before or after taking the medicine.

9. No new habits or addiction should be indulged while taking homeopathic medicines.

10. All emotional stress and strains and excitement should be avoided if possible.

11. Medicines should not be taken directly in hands while administration, take medicines in clean butter paper or in the cap of the bottle.

12. In case of globules or pills, don’t crush it, try to keep it for longer period in your mouth and chew it slowly to get its maximum effect.


Milk & Homeopathy.

Milk is the secretion of the mammary glands. It is the sole food-stuff of suck lings and it provides the adequate nutrition during the suckling stage. Although it is not a perfect food but it supplies many of the essential nutrients with few exceptions like copper, iron, etc.

Colostrum: The fluid secreted in the first three days after child birth, is called colostrums. It is thick, yellowish in color, and very rich in proteins and salts. It contains large granular cells called colostrums corpuscles. The higher protein content is mainly due to the presence of globulins. The protein content gradually falls with simultaneous steady rise in the fat and carbohydrate content until the true milk level is attained. It is coagulated by heat or even spontaneously on standing.

Intermediate milk (or transition milk): The milk formed after colostrums and up to four weeks, is called the intermediate milk or transition milk.

Mature milk: The mature milk is secreted after one month. The general properties and composition of mature milk of all mammals are more or less same.


Active lactation starts only after delivery and removal of placenta. After delivery prolectin levels rise considerably and initiate lactation. When placenta is removed, prolactin acts unopposed due to withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone and free lactation starts. Free flow of milk occurs after the birth of the child. There is diminution of estrogen level in blood which in turn promotes the secretion of lactogenic hormones or prolactin from anterior pituitary. For the maintenance of lactation following parturition, continued secretions of prolactin along with ACTH, GH, and TSH from the anterior pituitary are required. Beside these, suckling is required for the maintenance of lactation. Because by this process both prolactin and oxytocin are secreted. Prolactin helps in the process of lactation and oxytocin is required for milk ejection.

Emotion excitement like worry, fear, sadness, etc, during lactation may inhibit milk flow. Emotional stress might inhibit the release of oxytocin acting through neurohypophysis. Disturbances in milk ejection causes filling up of mammary gland and cessation of lactation.

Benefits of Breast Feeding

Benefits to Infants:

Protective effects against many diseases like-
Lower respiratory infections (i.e. RSV)
Otitis media (middle ear infections)
Bacteremia (bacterial infection in the blood)
Botulism (a severe form of food poisoning)
Urinary tract infections
Bacterial meningitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis (severe bowel infection usually found in premature infants)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Crohn's Disease (an inflammatory bowel disease)
Ulcerative Colitis (chronic digestive disease)
Lymphoma and other childhood cancers
Metabolic diseases
Enhanced immune response to vaccines
Enhanced cognitive development—Higher IQ scores (an average of 8.5 points higher)
According to the American Dental Association, breastfed infants have fewer cavities, better jaw development, and fewer orthodontic problems later in life.

Benefits to Mothers:

Less uterine bleeding after birth
Delayed resumption of ovulation and optimal child spacing
Provides protection against postmenopausal osteoporosis (i.e. hip fractures)
Decreased risk of ovarian and breast cancer
Promotes weight loss after birth
Improved glucose metabolism and reduced insulin requirements for diabetic mothers

Homeopathic remedies for disorders of lactation:

Belladonna- Inflammation of breasts, pain which goes from centre to circumference. Breasts are hard like stone and tender. Face is flushed, pupils dilated. Skin hot and dry.

Calc carb- Secretion of watery milk with fever, excessive perspiration, and weakness. Sensitive to cold; Lack of energy to secrete milk; intolerance of milk in infants due to mothers problem; Hot swelling of breast; with anxiety and fear in mother.

Lac caninum- It is mainly used to dry up milk. Indications are: excessive milk production; erratic pains in breasts which alternate sides; mastitis; etc.

Lac defloratum: A very useful remedy to start milk production.

Phytolacca decandra: Excessive flow of milk while nursing; nipples are very sensitive due to pain; nipples excoriated and fissured; etc.

Phellandrium: Pain in milk ducts and in nipples; intolerable while nursing.

Pulsatilla: Women who have little milk and of mild tearful nature; pain in breasts which changes from place to place; after weaning, breast swell, feel stretched and tense and are sore; milk continues to flow.

Silicea: feeding becomes difficult due to retracted nipples; inflammation of breasts with bad taste of milk or suppression of milk; child refuses to nurse or if it does it vomits; etc.

Calc phos: The taste of milk is salty due to which child refuses to take the milk.


Gout & Uric Acid?

This is an inborn error of metabolism (purine) characterized by pain and swelling of first metatarsophalangeal joint (big toe) initially, followed by other joints with an abnormal elevation of urate level in the body. In gout there is excess of uric acid in the blood and urine. There is also deposition of urate in the articular surfaces of the joints and sometimes in the periarticular structures. Commonly, the joint of the big toe is first affected and in acute attack there appears sudden swelling of joints, which are extremely painful. The blood uric acid (which in the normal subject is about 4 mgm per 100 ml) rises to about 30 to 60 mgm per 100 ml. The urate deposit which occurs in the joints, fingers, in the helix of the ear, etc, are known as tophi.

Gout may arise from the following conditions:

(a). Increased synthesis of uric acid.
(b). Due to starvation.
(c). Over production of uric acid (as occurs in glycogen storage disease).
(d). Increased nucleic acid turnover (in polycythemia, granulocytic leukaemia).
(e). Decreased excretion of uric acid which might arise from interference with secretion of it from kidney tubules.

Predisposing factors or etiology:

Primary gout is a hereditary metabolic disease. Predisposing factors are trauma to the joint, acute infection, surgery, exposure to cold, injection of foreign proteins, drugs, excess of alcohol, high protein diet, diuretics, chemicals like urografin, allopurinol, etc. Sometimes it is associated with changes in the atmospheric pressure.

Clinical symptoms:

(a). In acute gout:

General features are anorexia, malaise, headache, tachycardia and fever which may come with slight chill. Locally there is excruciating pain, tenderness, swelling and violaceous colour of the joint involved. Lymphangitis and cellulites may occur. Local veins are very much prominent. The skin over the joint becomes scaly and itchy. An attack may last for two weeks after which the joint becomes completely normal till another attack occurs.

(b). In Chronic gout:

The pain becomes persistent along with stiffness and deformity of the joint. The condition becomes polyarticular involving wrist, ankles, knees, elbows, shoulders and hips. Sodium biurate crystals begin to be deposited in the periarticular tissue and cartilages specially in the ear giving rise to swelling called tophi.

Variation of uric acid excretion with different types of food:

Daily output of uric acid is 0.75-1.0 gm, of which nearly half is endogenous and the other half is exogenous. Muscular exercise increases uric acid output.

Proteins, purines (purines are present in meat extracts, meat soup, tea, coffee, cocoa, etc), high carbohydrate diet and high calorific value of food raise the formation and output of uric acid, while fats diminishes it. To diminish uric acid formation, therefore, the diet should be of low calorific value, poor in proteins, purine, and carbohydrates but rich in fats. But, one should remember that these food stuffs exert an opposite action on the blood uric acid. For instance, protein and carbohydrates increase uric acid excretion and lower the blood uric acid level. While fat diminishes its output and raise its blood level. These facts should be carefully kept in mind while prescribing diet for gout patient.


(1). Blood test: To detect leucocytosis, high E.S.R, and uric acid level. Normal level of uric acid in blood is 2mgm-6mgm %).
(2). Urine: Volume is diminished and it has a high color. Urine may show urate crystals.
(3). X-ray: X-ray of the involved joint show punched out area.
(4). Needle biopsy of the tophi may show birefringent crystals of uric acid.
(5). Murexide test with crystals of tophi is positive.


1. Deposition of urates in renal parenchyma leading to chronic pyelonephritis and progressive renal failure.
2. Renal calculus giving rise to renal colic (10-20%).
3. Hypertension.
4. Atherosclerosis.
5. Diabetes mellitus.
6. Acute inflammation of other joints, etc.


Homeopathic Treatment:

Aconitum napellus: This medicine is used in problems of acute gout. The patient is restless & anxious. The joints are swollen and painful. There is intense pain which becomes worse at night and with warmth, but better with fresh air and rest.

Arnica: Sore, lame, bruished feeling all over the body, as if beaten. Everything on which the patient lies seems too hard. Oversensitive to least touch due to excessive pain in the body.

Bryonia: Bryonia is a good remedy for joint pains and backaches, and is frequently used in cases of rheumatic fever. Joint is swollen, red and hot. More than one joint may be involved. Pain becomes worse by motion, touch or pressure. Better by lying on painful side.

Causticum: Deforming type of gout with stiffness of joints. Tearing pain with burning and soreness in the joints.Symptoms are worse in clear weather and better in damp weather and by warmth.Affects mainly right side of the body.

Colchicum: It is a good remedy for gout and rheumatism. Pain with or without swelling; pain moves from one joint to another joint; swelling of joints that pit on pressure; Inflammation of great toe, gout of heel, cannot bear to be touched or moved.

Ledum: Joints affected in ascending manner; lower limbs are affected first; gouty stones in the joints, which are very painful; pain is better by cold application and aggravates by motion and at night in bed.

Other medicines are: Belladonna, sulphur, calc flour, berberis vul, guaiacum, pulsatilla, rhus tox, rhododendron, Sabina, hypericum, calc carb, lycopodium, urtica urens, cimicifuga, kalmia, lithum carb,etc.



Premenstrual Syndrome is a temporary phase many young girls and women experience 10 to 15 days before the menstrual cycle. This phase should not be regarded as psychological or physiological illness. Every month before menstruation begins the body undergoes changes in the level of hormones estrogen and progesterone. The effect of these changes are experienced in the form of mood swings, craving for sweets, disturbed or loss of sleep, irritation, nausea or vomiting, general sluggishness in the daily activity and boredom.

For many women PMS is a regular influence on their physical and psychological well-being. The associated symptoms often impact severely upon personal and employment relations. At this time relationships can experience considerable tension, a number of relationships break down with the main cause, extreme mood changes that occur each month. It puts an immense strain on all relationships. Partners often find it difficult to deal with menstrual symptoms. . At this stage women affected by PMS value most supportive partners. According to recent studies over 70 per cent of relationships are affected to some extent by PMS.

Sign & Symptoms:

It includes both physical & mental symptoms, which varies from woman to woman. Make a complete record of the symptom occurs in every menstrual cycle with dates. The symptoms which are commonly present are:

(1). Anxiety: irritable, crying without reason, verbally and sometimes physically abuse, feeling "out of control".
(2). Depression: confused, clumsy, forgetful, withdrawn, fearful, paranoid, suicidal thoughts and rarely suicidal actions.
(3). Cravings: food cravings, usually for sweets or chocolate; diary products including cheese, an on occasion, alcohol or food in general.
(4). Heaviness or Headache: Fluid retention leading to headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating and weight gain.

Dietary habits, exercises and changes in lifestyle given below can give some relief:

1). Before and after a week of menstruation, a balanced diet consisting of adequate intake of raw foods and liquid is recommended.
2). Take cool food and liquids.
3). Eat food without excess spice.
4). Avoid yoghurt, cheese, sour cream and butter milk.
5). Avoid hot drinks like tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol and colas. Avoid sugarcane juice and honey as well.
6). Reduce pungent and sour vegetables such as; tomatoes, onion, eggplant, carrots, beets, garlic, radish, etc.
7). Very hot seasonings like chili peppers and cayenne should be avoided.
8). If necessary, consult your doctor and take iron, calcium supplements.
9). Avoid heat and too much exposure to the sun.
10). Avoid situations that can cause physical and mental stress.
11). Exercise regularly (brisk walking, cycling, swimming or other aerobic activity), get enough sleep and don’t smoke.

Asana: Few yoga asanas are also known to help –

(i). Pawanamuktasana part 2&3 (abdominal and shakti bandth), Bhujangasana, dhanurasana, shalabhasana, chakrasana, ushtrasana, paschimotanasana, sarvangasana, and halasana.

(ii). Pranayama techniques such as abdominal breathing, nadi shodhana, bhramari and ujjayi also help.

Treatment Options:

Approximately, out of 40 million women suffering from PMS, 5 million require medical treatment to relieve physical and mental discomfort. The medicines and supplements which are used commonly are:

 Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If taken before period, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) relieves cramps and breast discomfort.

 Oral contraceptives. To stop ovulation and to control hormonal swings.

 Antidepressants. Antidepressants are given in order to reduce symptoms such as fatigue, food cravings and sleep problems. These drugs are generally taken daily. But for some women with PMS, use of antidepressants may be limited to the two weeks before menstruation begins.

 Calcium. Taking 1,000 milligrams (mg) of dietary and supplemental calcium daily may reduce the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS.

 Magnesium. Taking 400 mg of supplemental magnesium daily may help to reduce fluid retention, breast tenderness and bloating in women with premenstrual syndrome.

 Vitamin B-6. A daily dose of 50 to 100 mg of vitamin B-6 may help some women with troublesome PMS symptoms.

 Vitamin E. This vitamin (400 international units daily) is taken to relieve symptoms of PMS, by reducing the production of prostaglandin, hormone-like substances that cause cramps and breast tenderness.

 Folic acid. Take a multivitamin every day that includes 400 micrograms of folic acid.

Homeopathic Treatment:

In homeopathy there are many medicines which are very effective in PMS, of which some are listed below:

(1). Folliculinum (Ovarian extract, hormone) - It is used in congestive headache and pre menstrual migraine with paleness of face. Alternating states of excitement and depression, which aggravates before menses. Abdominal pain before menses. Breasts become extremely swollen and painful, sensitive to touch before menses and the pain reduces with the onset of menstruation.

(2).Pulsatilla- It is given to woman who is gentle, tearful, touchy, and timid in nature. Fainting and nervousness in young girls before they have menstruation; it helps to start menses.

(3). Sabal serrulata: It is used in women with irritability and depression, who easily gets angry, indifference to others need, concerned only with her own sufferings, who wants to be alone. Breasts are tender, swollen, sore, and itchy, with sharp pain in them.

(4). Calcarea carbonica: PMS with fatigue, anxiety, water-retention and weight gain, tender breasts, digestive upsets, and headaches. Periods often come too early and last too long. All the symptoms accompanied with excessive perspiration, with cravings for sweets and eggs.

(5). Sabina: Hysterical and morbid anxiety about health, with much irritability, for women who can’t tolerate music. Other indications are suppressed menses with offensive leucorrhoea, discharge of blood between periods, etc.

(6). Sepia: Absence of joy, used in tall slim women, swallow faced, anemic and weak; Sometimes they become hysterical, or weeping and gentle, but later bad tempered, excitable and obstinate, discouraged about life. Colic before and during menses with other aches and pains and irritable mood. Aversion to opposite sex. Shooting or burning pains in breast before and during menses.

(7). Tilia: Women with weeping disposition, who dreads society and work, irritable. Uterus feels pressed down, with spasmodic pains before a period.

(8). Cyclamen: Sudden alternating mood, cheery to sad. Sleepiness, morose, and lassitude. Menses too early with some relief of depressive symptoms.

(9). Chamomilla: It is used in woman who is angry, irritable, and hypersensitive to pain. Cramping may come on, or be intensified, because of emotional upset. Flow can be very heavy, and the blood may look dark or clotted. Problems aggravates at night. External heat or exposure to wind may aggravate the symptoms, and the tension and discomfort are relived by motion.

(10). Other remedies are: Lachesis, bovista, lycopodium, luna, kreosote, nux vom, nat mur, cimicifuga (actea racemosa), lilium tig, veratrum alb, caullophylum, mag phos, colocynth, belladonna, aconite, kali phos,etc.


Hormones excreted in the urine

The hormones which are excreted in urine are:

1. Sex hormones.

(i). Derivatives of testosterones- Androsterone, 17-ketosteroids (17-KS) and dehydroepiandrosterone.

(ii). Derivatives of estrogens-
Oestrone and oestriol mainly as mainly as glucuronides or sulphates but slightly in free uncombined form.

(a). During Menstruation- Estrogen excretion starts rising from the resting phase and becomes maximum at the time of ovulation (14th day) and then falls.

(b). During Pregnancy- Excretion of estrogen starts rising from the first week and reaches the maximum just before the onset of parturition. After delivery it falls but traces may still be found in the free uncombined form.

(iii). Derivatives of progesterone- Pregnanediol-as glucuronide.

(a). During Menstruation- It appears in the premenstrual phase of menstruation but not in the follicular phase. The excretion starts one or two days after ovulation and becomes maximum about a week before the onset of menstruation and ceases 2-3 days before the period comes.

(b). During Pregnancy- During pregnancy much larger quantities of progesterone are excreted, the amount being maximum during the eight and ninth months. It falls before parturition.

(iv). Placental gonadotrophins.

2. Adrenocorticoid hormones and Neutral 17-ketosteroids (They are chiefly derivatives of androgens i.e, androsterone and similar substances derived both from the adrenal cortex and testes in males and from only adrenal cortex in females. Hence, in males, the excretion is higher than in females.

3. Pituitary hormones- Following hormones are excreted in the urine:

(a). Antidiuretic hormones,

(b). Somatotrophic hormone, and

(c). Thyrotrophic hormones- Its excretion increases after thyroidectomy.

4. Thyroid hormones- In hyperthyroidism with increased secretion of thyroid hormones, excess hormones are excreted through the kidney and also through mothers milk.


Hirsute Women & Homeopathy………

Hirsutism can be defined as excess facial and body hair growth in women. This condition can be easily treated. It usually develops during puberty and increases with the age. Hirsutism is caused due to hormonal imbalance; it can be caused due to abnormally increased level of male hormones (androgens). As androgen comes only from the adrenal glands or gonads, or by conversion in peripheral tissues of precursor steroids from these organs, the causes of hirsutism are related to these two organs.

Causes of hirsutism:

(1). Adrenal Causes: Adrenal causes include Cushing’s syndrome, adrenal tumours, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

(2). Ovarian Causes: Ovarian causes include tumours of ovary, polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc.

(3). Idiopathic Hirsutism: In most of the cases the cause is unknown.

(4). Obesity.

(5). Other causes are: Anorexia, some steroids (anabolic), by some medicines such as diazoxide, hexachlorobenzene, cyclosporine, Birth control pills, or due to hormone replacement therapy, etc.

Not all women who have high testosterone develop unwanted hair. In fact, hirsutism may be caused by an increased sensitivity of the skin to the activity of normal or raised levels of male hormones. To reduce this sensitivity of skin, treatment is available in allopathy to block the actions of male hormones on the skin. Hirsutism can be mild or severe. In idiopathic hirsutism the exact cause is unknown; instead of normal level of androgens some women are hirsute. In some cases there is slight increase in androgen.

Excessive hair growth or hirsutism is a painful experience, as women are very sensitive towards their physical appearance.

Symptoms associated with hirsutism are:

(1). Male like hair growth in females.
(2). Menstrual irregularities.
(3). Excessive perspiration.
(4). Lack of feminine character and body shape.
(5). Pimples.
(6). Presence of masculine character.
(7). Frontal Baldness with excessive hairs on other parts of body.
(8). Obesity.

How to remove unwanted hair?

(1). Bleaching- It is done to make the hair less noticeable by lightening it, using chemicals.

(2). Hair removal- It includes shaving, waxing, plucking or chemical depilation.

(3). Electrolysis- using electrical current to damage individual hair follicles so they do not grow back. This is expensive and requires multiple treatments.

(4). Laser hair removal- Individual hair follicles are damaged by using laser. This is a permanent method of hair removal requires multiple sitings and expensive too.

How to find out the cause of hirsutism:

(1). Blood study will show increase in the male hormones and imbalance between the levels of the female hormones.
(2). Insulin level test.
(3). Thyroid level tests.
(4). Transvaginal ultrasound.
(5). Pelvic examination.
(6). CT scan, MRI- used to identify cyst or tumors on the ovaries or adrenal glands

Trichological Treatment:

Since the main cause of hirsuitism is the male hormones, a unique trichological treatment involves the intake of a fruit in a capsule form called serenoa complex (internally) along with the external application of oleum jacoris cream. These are the two main drug treatments. Both of these drugs block the effects of testosterone. They basically act as Dihydrotestosterone blockers. A trichologist will be able to treat the cause and also advise the person about diet and other lifestyle factors that contributes to hirsutism.

Homeopathic Treatment:

Some of the medicines used for hirsutism and the problems associated with it are: Thuja occ, medorrhinum, sabal serulata, thyroidinum, calc carb, calc phos, pulsatilla, sepia, nat mur, ignatia, etc.

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